Phil Kay: In Tweed, Edinburgh Festival Fringe Review

There are comedians whose humour you get and comedians whose humour you don’t get. My own categorisation places Phil Kay firmly in the latter. In Tweed is Phil’s stand-up comedy show, for 2021, at Edinburgh’s Gilded Balloon venue.

Phil Kay In Tweed promo image

The nightclub venue was a sell-out, helped by this being the last night of the Fringe two for one ticket offer. Phil was certainly happy to find folk on the balcony; even managing to give a high five to someone, in an energetic opening to the show. The set started off with some rather obvious humour (Tiger Woods, Killer Whale at Seaworld, etc) before it launched into the observational humour which most comedians make their bread and butter. In general I’m tired of tales of how the comedian got arrested, how they lost something (in this case a tweed hat) or how the move into their new house went. This coupled with a delivery style, which induced frequent thoughts of “what is he talking about?!” did not help.

A brief interlude when Phil broke open his guitar bag and began a musically accompanied rant against Alpen for putting cereal in a bar, when it belongs in a box, threatened to break the indifference I was feeling. But that was the nearest I came all show to finding anything funny. In fairness, Phil Kay’s animated delivery, wanderings through his imagination and ad lib nature of delivery appealed to the majority of the crowd. Infact many were laughing so hard I begin to suspect my lack of enjoyment was my problem not his. Or maybe the audience were loyal and educated Phil Kay followers.

Phil Kay: In Tweed clearly appeals to some. But not me.

Phil Kay: In Tweed is showing at the Gilded Balloon Teviot until the 29th August (excluding Mondays) at 7pm. £10-£11 per ticket.

3 Responses to “Phil Kay: In Tweed, Edinburgh Festival Fringe Review”

  1. Went to see Phil Kay tonight and was very disappointed. Distracted by his family he delivered half his show, starting late and ending early. We knew he liked to go off piste and we were looking forward to seeing him in full flow - but he went missing. Paying crowds do not want to watch someone indulge themselves, making it clear they would rather be somewhere else.

    He spent so long entertaining his own family the last couple of minutes he spent telling us what he should have spoken about, but to be honest it sounded like more of the same, unoriginal nonsense. We were rather glad it came to an end early so we could at least laugh about how poor it was.

  2. We saw Phil on the 20th and really enjoyed his show, he was lively and has great improvisational material. Spontaneous and unscripted, unlike some. Worth seeing, you never know what you’re going to get.

  3. Edinburgh festival 2021: I was standing at the bus stop after work and Phil Kay walked by. I chatted with him and he invited me (and my husband) as guests to his show at the 7pm gilded balloon show.

    When the show started he staight away said he would be slow to start and he was true to his word. But, once he got in to his stride he was as fantastically weird and wonderful as I remember him being the first time I saw him live, at the Playhouse supporting Eddie Izzard, in 94(ish).

    This guy is a lovely guy to chat to and someone who is not “up his own arse” as far as “fame” is concerned. (I passed Jimmy Carr the next again afternoon and he completely ignored me when I spoke to him). Phil Kay IS what the Fringe/Comedy festival should be all about.

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